Oct 30, 2009

Meridian 16.3, and some message

16.3 is out, but I have no time to write documentation 'cause there's another work coming...
Since Google is so sloooooooooooooooow for money issues in countries outside US and UK, Meridian can't make money, and something can't make money can't make the boss happy.
Google Google, can I see the money plan for Taiwan when I'm alive?

Oct 21, 2009

Vocation Time

I'll take a trip to Japan for one week, and no response of Meridian will be applied in the week.

About ID3 Editing

Edit (10/29):
I was wrong, there's really a bug with gerne writing. Not along under I write.
This bug will be fixed at version 16.1, sorry for the bug and misdirected message.
In several days I get many report of editing ID3 tag will force close.
This is a bug, or maybe I should say it's a not well ported code.
Meridian now uses myid3 for tag editing, and it's written for PC Java.
I modified something to port it to Android, but not optimized it. So it eats lots of memory when saving a big tag, usually with an albumart picture. Phones have small memory, so it crashes.
I'm looking for native codes for this, but NDK does not support C++ standard library, so it's quite hard to find one. I'm not going to write from zero, so I need to wait pure C library, C++ support for NDK, or modify myID3.
Anyway, time is needed. I'm sorry for the inconvinience, please wait patiently for this.

Oct 19, 2009

Meridian Player Evolve 15.0 is now released

New Features
  • Support QVGA
  • Video view orientation changing gesture (URU for portrait, URD for landscape)
  • Disable trackball volume adjustment when turning off gestures
 Bugs fixed
  • f/c when deleting files with apostrophe in name or path
  • f/c on Donut 1.6 ROM while modifying SD card
  • Delete wrong files when deleting while playing
Update details

Support QVGA
New small-screen devices like HTC Tattoo will be able to get Meridian from Market directly by now.

Video view orientation changing gesture (URU for portrait, URD for landscape)
You can now use gestures to fix video orientation, note that this is a permanently changing, so if you want to change it back to automatic, you need to the open preference page
Slide up-right-up for portrait, up-right-down for landscape.

Disable trackball volume adjustment when turning off gestures
This can avoid unstable volume changing.

Oct 15, 2009

Meridian Player Evolve 14.0 is now released

New Features
  • Indivisual tab display ON/OFF
  • Seperately decide screen orientaion of all three views
  • AlbumArts can now be saved in /sdcard/AlbumArt folder, with filename of .jpg
  • Simplyfied Chinese support thank to 剜刀
 Bugs fixed
  • f/c when queue is empty
Update details

Indivisual tab display ON/OFF
In MENU -> Preferences ->  General, now there's an option "Tabs".
You can choose only tabs you want to show now. If you uncheck every thing, a single browser tab will remain.

Seperately decide screen orientaion of all three views
Screen orientation selection, including automatic rotating, is now seperated into Browser/Video/Music catalogies, so you can decide them independently now.

AlbumArts can now be saved in /sdcard/AlbumArt folder, with filename of .jpg
If you want to use local files for the albumarts, now you have another choice.
For example, If I want to customize album No Border 's art, I will:
  1. Save the art file as a jpg file.
  2. Name it No Border.jpg . Notice the file name (including the .jpg) is case sensitive, and you can't use special characters that can't appear in the filename.
  3. Create a directory in sdcard named AlbumArt, put the file in it. The folder name is also case sensitive.
  4. I'm done.
By the way, you can use unknown.jpg for unknown albums, but it will only be used in playing view, not in album list view.

It's middle of the October...

Yes I've heard your f/c issues on Donut 1.6, but my HTC Magic does not have the ROM update yet :(
I think it will come with the Hero ROM update, I'm waiting for the update, so please wait patiently.